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Tie to Strategic Plan: Please provide goals and strategies that link your request to HSU's mission and strategic plan. (Note: The identification of HSU goals and strategies are critical to the UBC's funding recommendations of the proposals.)   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Contact your divisional budget analyst or the University Budget Office if you need help identifying the annual salary.)<=    B1 XPP?<x-]4@1<4$ {kA8G <Carol Terry: Enter annual benefit cost for positions listed above. Contact your divisional budget analyst or the University Budget Office for an estimate of the benefit costs for a particular employee classification.<B    B|1 XPP?<i5x]4@|1(6$ r&RnHm7FV <Carol Terry: Enter the annual operating cost in the appropriate column. Separate operating expenses into "Equipment", "Travel", and "Other Operating Expense" categories.<B    B1 XPP?<x#]4@16$ E~5lMlYP  <Carol Terry: Enter the annual full-time equivalent employee (FTE) number here. [Probably the easiest way to think about a the appropriate FTE number to enter here is whether you need the employee to work full-time, 12 months (1 FTE); or 75% time, 12 months (.75 FTE), etc.]<B   Carol Terry Carol Terry Carol Terry Carol Terry  Carol Terry>@12  7 ՜.+,0 PX|  Humboldt State University Sheet1  WorksheetsOh+'0  , L X d p|1TableG(SummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8LCompObjqTitle of Funding Proposal: Budget 2Normal Budget 23Microsoft Office Word@9+@:0j@`V|@Nk-՜.+,0 hp  Humboldt State University Title of Funding Proposal: Title  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No ListH@H ^i Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ "$&(   "$&(+ ?et\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqs356Od     00000@0@00@0@0@0@0000000000000000000000000000@0@00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000000000000000000000000@00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0000000000000000000000000000000?etblmnopqs35O{0z{0{0@{0y0{00{0 tcy0 y0 y00y0y0y00{00{00{00{00{00{0  cy0 y0 y0y0y0{0ۊ02ي0 ي0 ي0 y00y00y00ي0! y00{00{00ۊ0 2ي0ي0y0 y0 y0 y0 y0y0{0{0{03   p    +:/X$2$4l+U`,H 4 @Z(    0A ? ?C"`?H   #   B      HB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DHB  C DB    B    HB  C D B     B     B S  ??et\q3(t`(`tXlXtPlPtHHt t(t(T(#(\tl !\t<(<t t(+tt(t(t _1187884316 _1187884336 _1187884347 _1187884403 _1187884431@@@@@@E 33toQ)Z.^i\sYp+R{+p@qr|q&P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahoma"qhTƵTT%--!``24d 2HX)?Z.Title of Funding Proposal:Budget 2Budget 2M t =  GW  '' ' EU' EU-  @ !h Arial--"System!-'-- 5U-- 2 Fiscal Detail:3...<..----'-- 5 ------ !2 hFY06-07 One-time :38....A3.J.2 Fundss3333.----'-- 5  ------ !2 h FY06-07 Base (On-:38....<...A32 - going) Funds33333333.----'-- 5 ------ 2 h$ Total FY06-07 43.38....2 Request<.33..----'-- 5N---- !2 hShort-term Multi-:733 . JG32 year Proposals-.. 7 333...----'-- EU--'-- U 2  Salaries:o7.. ..--'-- EU Arial- 2  Faculty3.*.'2 s Staff7.-2  MPP (Administrators)E777.G.*..**2 A Student Assistants7....7***..*---'-- U 2  Benefits:f<.3..--'-- EU--'-- mU "2 Operating Expense:A3. .337.3.3..--'-- EU- 2 v Equipment7...G..2  Travele4.).32 D Other Operating ExpensesA..A.....7*...*.*---'--  U =2 $Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE):33J.733/..37J33-..347--'-- EU--'-- Ux 2 v= Total Requestt43.<.33..Arial- 2 yR 0. 2 y 0. 2 yN0.--'-- EU--'-- FV- -- @ !- - @ !-  - @ !; - - @ ! -jj- @ !j-jj - @ !j-j j - @ !;j -j j- @ !j -- @ !- - @ !-  - @ !; - - @ ! -88- @ !8-88 - @ !8-8 8 - @ !;8 -8 8- @ !8 -- @ !- - @ !-  - @ !; - - @ ! -- @ !- - @ !-  - @ !; - - @ ! -mm- @ !m-mm - @ !m-m m - @ !;m -m m- @ !m -- @ !- - @ !-  - @ !; - - @ ! -;;- @ !;-;; - @ !;-; ; - @ !;; -; ;- @ !; --- @ ! -  - @ !  -  - @ !  -- @ ! -- @ !-x- @ !gx-x  - @ !gx -x  - @ !gx -x- @ !gx-NN- @ !N-V- @ !N-55V- @ !N5--N- @ !-jjN- @ !j-N- @ !-88N- @ !8-N- @ !-N- @ !-mmN- @ !m-N- @ !-;;N- @ !;--V- @ !N-  - @ ! -pp- @ !p-- @ !--'- EU-'-  ~ , ~ ---' F!Microsoft Office Excel WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89q \pBudget 2 Ba=Hl=--|)<X@"1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1QTahoma1QTahoma"$"#,##0_);\("$"#,##0\)!"$"#,##0_);[Red]\("$"#,##0\)""$"#,##0.00_);\("$"#,##0.00\)'""$"#,##0.00_);[Red]\("$"#,##0.00\)7*2_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* \(#,##0\);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_).))_(* #,##0_);_(* \(#,##0\);_(* "-"_);_(@_)?,:_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* \(#,##0.00\);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)6+1_(* #,##0.00_);_(* \(#,##0.00\);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)                + ) , *  )8@ @ *8@ @ !8@ @ "8@ @   "0@ @  0@ @ !8@  0@ !8@   0@  !8@   0@  !8@  0@  0@   p@ @   x@ @   x@@ "8@  0@  0  0  0@ @  0@ ( ` Sheet1"ZR3 A@@  Fiscal Detail:Short-term Multi-year Proposals Salaries: Faculty Staff MPP (Administrators) Student Assistants Benefits:Operating Expense: Equipment Travel Other Operating Expenses$Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE): Total RequestFY06-07 One-time FundsFY06-07 Base (On-going) FundsTotal FY06-07 Request u 9 mcc   dMbP?_*+%MHP LaserJet 2200 Series PCL4C odXXLetterDINU"4MԽ "dXX??U} $} } $} $} m} $ .                   !!       "  ##$   %%&' ()**+  F,0DDDDDD D D F,0DDDDDD D D F,0DDDDDD D D -"F (    B] XPP? a ]4@]_ tF-dӕ <Carol Terry: Enter number of years (not dollars) that funding is required beyond the proposal year. For example, the project may request $10,000 one-time funds to purchase equipment and $58,000 base (on-going) funds for a position or maintenance costs, etc. in the proposal year; and need the base funding to continue for three additional years. Enter "3" years in the "Short-term Mulit-year Proposal" column which represents a four year project proposal. This multi-year designation does not guarantee funding in the additional years. Performance measure reviews and additional proposals would still be required as part of the annual budget process.<B 8   Bg XPP?<i ]4@g_ s LG@.+r <Carol Terry: Provide annual salary dollars in the appropriate columns. Contact your divisional budget analyst or the University Budget Office if you need help identifying the annual salary.)<=    B XPP?<x-]4@L_ {kA8G <Carol Terry: Enter annual benefit cost for positions listed above. Contact your divisional budget analyst or the University Budget Office for an estimate of the benefit costs for a particular employee classification.<B    B XPP?<i5x]4@4_ r&RnHm7FV <Carol Terry: Enter the annual operating cost in the appropriate column. Separate operating expenses into "Equipment", "Travel", and "Other Operating Expense" categories.<B    Bd XPP?<x#]4@d_ E~5lMlYP  <Carol Terry: Enter the annual full-time equivalent employee (FTE) number here. [Probably the easiest way to think about a the appropriate FTE number to enter here is whether you need the employee to work full-time, 12 months (1 FTE); or 75% time, 12 months (.75 FTE), etc.]<B   Carol Terry Carol Terry Carol Terry Carol Terry  Carol Terry>@]d7 Oh+'0@H\p  Budget 2 Budget 2Microsoft Excel@t@Ua՜.+,0 PX|  Humboldt State University Sheet1  Worksheets Dd ,ub  c $A? ?3"`?2: ^R{YytDM{a>2> >@Fчч#00Ǐ,%3,X)v:qn}y: tty:$tSggD<ŐS ybieˆS=7/ڭYfIKWRa,]w;0\'ƬKd]Qa $!]d]/'5e+"|n"?{NsrZj]DumU6ٯ՗qkVq>~,~ُb/ֲ޲/uQCUYVT{/&^Mk~%'hT|bwzUۗ˳v{LSiO 'b<N^N|ؾ툡sTjEѮw=Qr<\`,;Voni/&IwRlr緞 k^ml[~ xVlbkȞ:^njF`Y/ yW$ϐh/|ިd$XEӊ.jӲ,̲D콤c߹tk[nZve유i)5J#U k54/VbjِKAI7SoX]n;U[-I'"uqsLs۷Vg1\UI&izR=Zh%n\*_؜Z[+(rE[X_t>zMY$3c{k#몶3utǭNg%&+gVU_ǴZa֟ 3y)yϔsMw>Ո~%zVL:rGOS']qހ}q.OUX>tEewTxu*קkb.Ι2.2ns>qu)vҵ{r"L\' Xbg`{=\!zrD=L]zJl ͱ\N ۗ,/%u3s`7K\ 3ٲ'v29Lfe$\ȥ .M¥\$\ȥ .M¥\$\>լ l•\&\ȕ l•\&\ȕ l•\%\ȕ \•\%\ȕ \•\%\ȕ<•\y#\yȕ<•\y#\yȕ<•\'\ȕ|•\'\ȕ|•\'\UU\* \UU\* \UU\*$\UBU\*$\UBU\*$\U"U\E*"\EU"U\E*"\EU"U\ Հp5@j@ Wp5 \ \ WZ5w1[CП#zGQvZ"R_IPYX`!˜jSE4tGR\>},0w\,j!X11',Rɓ%ǰ 0NJɂh' 0NJI: x>.B,/r3T<#d/)QoˁˋCbc`c=/񜰛k\_חu|~$>)IcN+5`v && F K.b=`=؀`Ć"66"`;@>!/~+Z9]iYs0O+e[M'_o']vG8Oh+'0  , L X d p|Title of Funding Proposal: Budget 2Normal Budget 24Microsoft Office Word@r@:0j@`V|@_-՜.+,0 hp  Humboldt State University Title of Funding Proposal: Title4Microsoft Office Word@r@:0j@`V|@_-          N)P)T)V)Z)gd^igd{gd\s           L)P)R)V)X)\)^)b)d)p)r)t)v)x)z)))))))))))ºjh3(YUjxG h3(YCJUVaJh3(Y0JmHnHuh3(Y h3(Y0Jjh3(Y0JUh!-jh!-U hZ.h{hYh^ih{hRjh\sUjF h\sCJUVaJjhZ.UhZ.h\s*FF~ʞ:S{YytDM{a>2> >@Fчч#00Ǐ,%3,X)v:qn}y: tty:$tSggD<ŐS ybieˆS=7/ڭYfIKWRa,]w;0\'ƬKd]Qa $!]d]/'5e+"|n"?{NsrZj]DumU6ٯ՗qkVq>~,~ُb/ֲ޲/uQCUYVT{/&^Mk~%'hT|bwzUۗ˳v{LSiO 'b<N^N|ؾ툡sTjEѮw=Qr<\`,;Voni/&IwRlr緞 k^ml[~ xVlbkȞ:^njF`Y/ yW$ϐh/|ިd$XEӊ.jӲ,̲D콤c߹tk[nZve유i)5J#U k54/VbjِKAI7SoX]n;U[-I'"uqsLs۷Vg1\UI&izR=Zh%n\*_؜Z[+(rE[X_t>zMY$3c{k#몶3utǭNg%&+gVU_ǴZa֟ 3y)yϔsMw>Ո~%zVL:rGOS']qހ}q.OUX>tEewTxu*קkb.Ι2.2ns>qu)vҵ{r"L\' Xbg`{=\!zrD=L]zJl ͱ\N ۗ,/%u3s`7K\ 3ٲ'v29Lfe$\ȥ .M¥\$\ȥ .M¥\$\>լ l•\&\ȕ l•\&\ȕ l•\%\ȕ \•\%\ȕ \•\%\ȕ<•\y#\yȕ<•\y#\yȕ<•\'\ȕ|•\'\ȕ|•\'\UU\* \UU\* \UU\*$\UBU\*$\UBU\*$\U"U\E*"\EU"U\E*"\EU"U\ Հp5@j@ Wp5 \ \ WZ5w1[CП#zGQvZ"R_IPYX`!˜jSE4tGR\>},0w\,j!X11',Rɓ%ǰ 0NJɂh' 0NJI: x>.B,/r3T<#d/)QoˁˋCbc`c=/񜰛k\_חu|~$>)IcN+5`v && F K.b=`=؀`Ć"66"`;@>!/~+Z9]iYs0O+e[M'_o']vG8@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListHH ^i Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4@4 3(YHeader  !4 @4 3(YFooter  !.)@!. 3(Y Page Number "$&(7   "$&(+7 ?et\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqs356Od    *+,-./012345800000@0@00@0@0@0@0000000000000000000000000000@0@00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000000000000000000000000@00@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@000000000000000ي00ي00ي00 ي0@000@0@00 ي0 0000000000000000ي0?etblmnopqs35O8{0z{0{0@{0y0{00{0 tcy0 y0 y00y0y0y00{00{00{00{00{00{0  cy0 y0 y0y0y0{0ۊ02ي0 ي0 ي0 y00y00y00ي0! y00{00{00ۊ0 2ي0ي0y0 y0 y0 y0 y0y0{0{0{0 $$$'3 ) p Z))   '!!+:l,2$^Rjb&v'O(`*0*'b.'b.''b.(@#&#&'#&#&#&#&#&u(u('^#&#&#&*#&#&#&#&$ 2Root Entry  F>jb! 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